Listing all our ongoing projects at the Hillside Dams Conservancy as well as future plans that we would like to commence. If you can help us with any of the following projects whether it be as a volunteer or as a financial donation, please do not hesitate to contact us! The Conservancy is a community based project and we rely heavily on the help and generosity of all who love The Hillside Dams!
Waste Segregation Project
The aim of this project will be to reduce illegal [...]
Environmental Training Workshops
It is our hope to start hosting environmental management training [...]
Development of an Outdoor Learning Centre
This centre will facilitate various learning programs for different target [...]
Repairing the Lower Dam Wall
Contrary to many beliefs, both the lower and upper dam [...]
Anti-poaching and Preservation of Artefacts
Patrols are carried out regularly by our staff and members [...]
Installation of New Signage
Courtesy of our Corporate Members the conservancy is sprucing up [...]
Maintenance of Park and Dams
Landscaping, picking up litre, maintenance of fireguards, roads, park trails [...]
Fencing of the Boundary
Fencing the boundary will better protect the biodiversity by excluding [...]
Eradication and Controlling of Alien and Invasive Species
These include: Lantana Camara, Mexican daisy, Epiphyllum oxypetalum, Poinsettia, Sisal, [...]
Mushroom Walks
Conducted by Cathy Sharp who is a mycologist who has [...]
Recording of the Biodiversity at our Beautiful Dams
At least twice a year the conservancy hosts a bioblitz [...]